Who Are Rolling StringZ?

Photo of founders, Bob and Diane

Our founder, Bob, is the creative force behind Rolling StringZ Guitars, the Peachtree Bridge integrated tuner and our company, Peachtree Bridge Enterprises, LLC. Bob applies his passion for music, both as a listener and musician, his many years of engineering experience in high tech industry, and his skills in modeling and crafting, to incorporate the best of current technology and classic hand crafting in the creation of our products.

Our co-founder, Diane, is an experienced business law attorney and entrepreneur. She handles legal, business and contracting issues for Peachtree Bridge. Diane loves fine woodcraft, and enjoys working with Bob to design and market our unique creations.

Our story started in 2018, when Bob and Diane went to a conference on the Atlantic shoreline. Bob wanted to bring a guitar, but space was limited. Looking at existing travel guitars, he discovered they were limited, too!! The biggest limit: the tuners. This inspired him to start designing a new type of premium travel guitar starting with that tuner.

After trying a lot of designs and talking to a number of businesses that build tuners and other guitar parts, he finally decided he would have to come up with his own design, and after a host of trials and tests, finally came up with the compact Peachtree Bridge and patented it.

Of course, he couldn't stop there, and designed the entire premium travel guitar, while honing his skills as a luthier. And so, the Trouper was born, as well as a whole range of ideas for new, modern guitars that he is in the process of creating.

Bob also likes making other fine woodcraft products, and those will be offered for sale on this and our other associated stores.We proudly build our guitars and woodworking products by hand at our workshop in Atlanta, Georgia, and you can feel the quality and care we put into every step.

We love what we do, and we hope you are inspired to enjoy the beauty of our products as much as we do.






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Rolling StringZ Guitars, Peachtree Bridge Woodworking and Deep Nuggets Radio are part of the Peachtree Bridge Enterprises, LLC Family

Like the travel guitars shown in this site? Then check us out at Rolling StringZ Guitars, for the most advanced premium travel guitar, as well as other new and exciting guitars as they are developed.

Link to Rolling StringZ Guitar Site

For the most eclectic music on the web, join us at the Greatest Radio Station at the End of the Universe! Deep Nuggets Radio!

Link to Deep Nuggets Radio website

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All Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice

The Trouper® and Peachtree Bridge®  and all associated products and applications

Covered under ​US Patent 11,074,893

Copyright © 2023 Peachtree Bridge Enterprises, LLC. ​

All rights reserved 

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